Solemn statement

Solemn statement

Solemn statement

Our company is an enterprise focusing on the oil and gas field, and has a number of patents in the field of completion, workover and drilling.

Recently, we found that the following two behaviors have seriously infringed upon the legitimate rights and interests of our company:

1. Some companies counterfeit and imitate the company's patented products. The Company manufactures and sells products that are similar to our company's products using our company's patented technology and passes them off as our company's products. This act is a serious infringement of our company's patent rights and trademark rights.

2. Some users do not use products of our company, but counterfeit our company's certificates, and pass them off as our company's products. This act is a serious violation of the reputation and credibility of our company.

We strongly condemn the above two behaviors and reserve the right to take all legal measures to protect its legitimate rights and interests.

d on the attitude of win-win cooperation, we hope that the relevant companies can immediately stop the above-mentioned infringements. If our company finds such a violation of our company's rights and interests again in the future, we company will not hesitate to go through legal procedures and investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant units.

It is hereby declared!

                                                                                                    Chengdu ASBR Technology Co., Ltd
