Hybrid Bit

Longer footage & Faster drilling speed.

Hybrid Bit

Hybrid drill bit is a new type of drill bit consisting of PDC fixed blades and cones. The basic mechanism is:The cone cutting teeth pre-crush the bottom of the well, and the broken pits are formed at the bottom of the well. The PDC cutters reuses the pits, and it is easier to press the fractured rock layer after being pressed into the formation. 

ASBR havedeveloped various sizes hybrid drill bits from 6 1⁄2 to 17 1⁄2. Have increased the ROP of PDC drills by 30% and the footage by 25% in difficult-to-drill formations. The products have been sold to many oil and gas fields in China.


Through field experiments and theoretical analysis of hybrid drill bits which are mainly used in the following special formations and effects: 

①Applicable to hard strata such as dense mud shale, pebbly formation, bedrock and heterogeneous formation where PDC is difficult to enter;  

②Hybrid drill bit has strong guiding and directional drilling capability, suitable for horizontal well and directional well drilling.